How well do you know Kaley? I wanna know how well you know my OC.So I made a quiz on it.Hope you enjoy. Kaleythecreepypasta published on December 19, 2015 Stacked 1/6 What is Kaley's full name? Katherina..DUH! Kalina..i think She doesn't have one. Kaley..just Kaley 2/6 What is her shirt have on it? Jesus A creepypasta symbol her sexy boo-HEY!! Nothing. WORDS!030.i hope you get it wrong,smart ass-_-. 3/6 What does she turn into? A RAINBOW! A wolf/dog a cat..she has cat ears..right? A F**KING PANDA! 4/6 What creepypasta does she hate more than BEN? Jeff TicciToby Me one. I don't know.0w0.don't kill me! 5/6 What is one of her quotes? Go suck a dick,oh wait,YOU ARE ONE! Ugly starts with a U Doesn't have one. FLYING TACOS BITCH! Why do I love creepypastas,they dont love you back?...Kaley:Why do you breath,your gonna die anyway? If you wanna be smart ass,become the smartest peron in the world..THEN we can talk WTFP*what the flying pancakes* All of the above 6/6 Does Kaley have a sister? NO!WTF! yes.. I DONT KNOW!