How well do you know meh? (1) How well do you know me? Because If you do bad I will go yandere on you. MingoTheSlyGuy published on May 12, 2016 Stacked 1/6 What phone do I have? Samsung Galaxy S7 EDGE PLUS Samsung Galaxy S6 iPhone 2G 2/6 How old am I? 754 2464 11.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 3/6 am i married no! no!! no!!!! 4/6 How many views I got on YouTube? 79 23,000.00000000000000000000000+ 596894358985908507325487589347589647946738976976984674593768 5/6 Who do I love and care about most? PIE my mum and dud You. 6/6 What's my YT channel called? OngiPlayzGames MingoPlaysGames MingoAndGames