How well do you know Amelia? (My Lps) Well hello there! This is my first quiz here on Qfeast, and I will not be posting on here a lot. Anyways, I shall test how well you know my short hair cat, Amelia! margo62145 published on May 05, 2017 Stacked 1/6 What is Amelia's favorite color? Magenta Black Neon yellow 2/6 What is Amelia's Last Name? Type answer. Hint: 20 characters 3/6 Does Amelia like Tom from LPS: Popular? Hell no! Not really... YASSSSSSSSS 4/6 True or False: Amelia is the cat in the thumbnail. True False 5/6 Is Amelia a girly girl, a tomboy, or in the middle? Girly girl In the middle Tomboy 6/6 Does Amelia like Connor more or Dylan more? Connor Dylan Both