are you a true gymnast Do you know skills Do you know jumps Do you know the right from wrong dancemomsrules published on August 19, 2015 Stacked 1/9 What skill is the KIP meant for Beam Bars Floor 2/9 Do you do stunts in gymnastics Yes No 3/9 When you do roundoffs do you land with feet to gether or apart Hint: 2 choices Together Apart Tight 4/9 If you have any thing to ask don't forget to comment and I'll try to respond so dont forget to lookSo what are you gonna do Type answer. Hint: 7 characters 5/9 What is the rebound off of the beam called Rebound Dis mound Other 6/9 What was made first cheer or gymnastics Cheer Gymnastics Both at the same time How would I know What would I know I am not a gymnast 7/9 Random question about dance momsWho is the most flexible Mckinzie Kendall Nia 8/9 Do you call it a front flip front tuck or something else Front flip Front tuck Other 9/9 What is the Tumble Trak Trampoline Bars Rings