Supernatural fan? Test your knowledge on supernatural, and all the minor details. Lmao... anonymous-user-tcSAUe published on September 27, 2017 Stacked 1/23 First of all, do you even watch supernatural? Yeah! I love it! Yes you idgit, why would I be here? (Me:I like you...) Uh.. no. Nope. It's kinda stupid honestly. (Me: who are you?) 2/23 What was the last thing Jessica ever made for Sam before she passed? A match. (Me:not today Satan) Cookies Flan Nothing, just a smoke scent... (me: ?? you have no soul) 3/23 What is the license plate number to the impala? KAS 275 KAS-2Y5 KAZ 2Y5 I have noooo clue... 4/23 Who did Sam kill that just happened to be the key to lucifers cage (the first time)? Ruby Dean Meg Lillith 5/23 What does bobby call the boys? Idiot Idjinns Idgits Uhhh... idk. (Me:I thought you left) 6/23 What was the first way Dean died in Mystery Spot? Shot by the guy in the Mystery House Crushed by a piano Tacos... lmao Shot by the mugger... 7/23 When Sam was stabbed by Anna, who resurrected him? Crowley Balthazar Michael Castiel 8/23 In Wishful Thinking, how and why did Sam die? The woman that was 'in love' with the man was jealous that he liked Sam The man stabbed Sam The woman wished that Sam would die (struck by lightning)so nothing would get in the way of her love for the other man The woman choked him with her witch powers 9/23 Which one did Dean actually say? Do I look like Paris Hilton? I'm not supposed to laugh, right? I feel I could, I would, but I can't, so I shan't. Did you cut your hair? 10/23 Finish the quote. "You know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? .... It was how many times I killed her. It was how many times I let you down... and I can't do that again. It was how I let Jessica die... I can't forgive myself Uhmm... I don't know... 11/23 How many times did dean die in Mystery Spot? 87 57 100 102 12/23 What year and model is 'baby'? 1968 chevy impala 1976 dodge impala 1967 chevy impala I have no freaking clue. 13/23 What song was playing when Sam woke up on those Tuesdays? Heat of the Monument by Asia Hate of the Morning by Ask Heat of the Moment by Asia I have no idea... they look the same... 14/23 What song artist is Sam not very fond of? Taylor Swift Katy Perry Kolby Callait Taylor Laughtner 15/23 What virus causes Dean to fear everything? Ghost Fever Cardiac??? Yellow stone! (Me:ok...?) Yellow Fever 16/23 How did the man in yellow fever die? He was hung by a rope He was drug by a ziptie connected to a chevy... He was drug along a road by a chain connected to a truck. Idk maybe the disease that he had passed on to that Dean guy. 17/23 What color lipstick does Rowena usually wear? Pink Maroon Red Rainbow ??? 18/23 What was the first thing Dean pointedly made a mistake in naming, which convinced Sam that he had lost his memory? Lamp Gun Pencil A sheep. (Me: what?) 19/23 What deal did Mary make with Azazel? To save her children To save johnny, who had an asthma attack To save Samuel (her father) To save John Winchester. Too hard ? 20/23 What joke did Dean make when getting his mugshot taken? Do da moonwalk... I'm Paris Hilton I call this one the Blue Steel. ANDI think I'm adorable... Uhmmm... I like castiel? (Me:oh how we wish...) 21/23 Which monster did the boys have to kill in the second episode? Wendigo Banshee Woman in White Vampire 22/23 What did Sam and Dean carve into the table in the bunker (season twelve)? Sam DEAN S.W D.W Deanna Samuel I haven't watched that far... 23/23 How do you think you did? Very well. *fluffs collar* (me:let's not get too cocky) Supercalafragilisticexpialadocious (me:uhh... ? Ok..) Good/average Baaaddddd I don't even know this show so....