Toontown/TTR Quiz Toontown (2002-2013) is an online semi-MMO that is very well known. How well do you actually know it? See for yourself! Krvmeister2338 published on November 16, 2014 Stacked 1/9 Which type of cog is the 'Money Bags?' Bossbot Sellbot Lawbot Cashbot 2/9 Which of the following is NOT a gag? Cream Pie Megaphone Monument 3/9 Toontown Online closed on... June 11, 2008 September 19, 2013 July 5, 2014 4/9 Which of the following is not a realistic toontask? Deliver (Item) to (Shop Owner) Defeat 25,000 Cogs in Lawbot HQ Defeat a Lawbot Building Fish for (Item) 5/9 What gag am I?- 21 damage- Sound Type answer. Hint: 14 characters 6/9 Which of the following is an unrealistic toontask? Defeat 8 Cogs Defeat a Bottom Feeder Deliver (item) to (shop owner) Defeat 20,000,000 Lawbots Defeat a 2+ Story Building 7/9 What gag am I?- 100 damage- Throw Type answer. Hint: 13 characters 8/9 What kind of toon is Coach Zucchini? Duck Mouse Horse 9/9 Which of the following numbers CANNOT be said in SpeedChat Plus? 44 1 x 10^24 3