HSB4U Exam Studying Quiz

HSB4U Exam Studying Quiz

Are you ready for the Challenge and Change exam? Are you sure? Here's your way of knowing for sure!

published on June 18, 2014

Stereotype means?

Hint: 2 choices
A mental image that is created about a group and involves typical characteristics
Acting on one's beliefs towards others
Unequal belief of other people and labelling them
It can be dangerous

Prejudice means?

Believing something that is untrue
A prejudgement of people based on group membership
An idea about people you do not know

Unequal treatment because of group membership...


Systemic Discrimination is...

Built right into the institutions of society
A system of choosing how to discriminate
Discrimination that cannot be controlled

Two branches of systemic discrimination are?

Deliberate and Unintentional
General and Specialized
New and Old

Which term does this definition match?

"Any action undertaken for reasons of safety, security, or public protection that relies on stereotypes about race, colour, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, or place or origin, rather than on a reasonable suspicion, to single out an individual for greater scrutiny or different treatment"

Racial Profiling

A scapegoat is?

Hint: 2 choices
A goat used to escape a situation
A goat sent into the wilderness after the Jewish chief priest had symbolically laid the sins of the people upon it
Taking your own problems and projecting them onto another group
Avoiding unwanted situations

A hate crime is a crime....

That is committed towards a person of a minority
Committed to intimidate, harm or terrify not only a person but an entire group of people
Committed to scare a person

"Blank" is a historical and cultural term, but holds not scientific merit (It's not scientific in nature)....


Which two of these are NOT a type of prejudice?

Hint: 2 choices
Cognitive: what people believe to be true
Affective: your likes and dislikes
Effective: long-lasting beliefs transferred by parents
Connative: how people are inclined to behave
Notative: how people are inclined to portray others and write about them

What was the significance of the Hartley Study (1946)? Choose all the answers that apply

Hint: 2 choices
Shows how prejudices escalates especially in regards to Jews and Blacks
Prejudice people are only prejudice towards Jews and Blacks
Something about prejudice; everyone has it to some degree (please don't pick this one)
Prejudice people are prejudice towards all minorities, out-groups and people unlike them

What are the two categories of prejudice?

Hint: 2 choices

Which of these do NOT belong to the category of ignorance?

Hint: 2 choices
Modelling: model or copy those around us; passed from generation to generation
Mere exposure: tend to be prejudice towards groups they have had no experience with (easiest to breakdown)
Nature: they are born believing that minorities are bad
Choice: they want to be prejudiced towards others (hardest to breakdown)
Behavioural Conditioning: if prejudicial are rewarded you're most likely to continue it and vice-versa

Which of these do NOT belong to the category of ignorance? (Hint: Two of these do not belong)

Hint: 2 choices
Memory Availability: negative experience with one person from the group and apply to everyone in that group
Predictability: afraid that they cannot predict the other's actions
Inferiority: people are prejudiced to break people down and to point out flaws; makes them feel better about themselves
Scapegoating: take own anger/problems out on other groups
Power: were in a position once where the minority was in power; didn't like that

"Believe prejudice/discrimination are a result of an internal state (due to prior socialization)" What approach is this?


Define: Frustration-Aggression Theory (it is part of the psychological approach)

Frustration leads to aggression and then discrimination
Frustration/discrimination arise from inside and form hostility
Prejudice/discrimination are forms of hostility that arise out of hostility

"Prejudice and discrimination are learned behaviours and we do have the ability to unlearn them" What approach is this? (It can't be the same approach as Q.15)


"Believe that prejudice and discrimination are a result of external factors" What approach is this?


Define: Functionalist theory...

Varies roles in society; everyone has different needs, but we should not be shocked by it, or offended by it
How norms function in society to allow change
Roles in society and how they affect how laws are made

"Believe prejudice and discrimination are the result of economic struggle because of a capitalist society" Which theory is this?

Example: Plant shuts down because it's cheaper to manufacture in another country

Change Theory
Conflict Theory
Efficiency Theory

Define: Symbolic Interaction Theory

The way we interact with people can cause prejudice/discrimnation
The symbols in society affect the way people perceive each other
The way we interact with people and the symbols/terms we use can cause discrimination

"Only see you as how you're labelled"


"Way you interact with someone can cause them to live up to the label you give them"


In the film A Class Divided, how did the negative and positive labels placed on the groups become a self-fulfilling prophecy? Select all that apply:

In the film A Class Divided, how did the negative and positive labels placed on the groups become a self-fulfilling prophecy? Select all that apply:
Hint: 3 choices
The more important kids were smarter, that's why they participated more than the others
Those who were told they were better began to bully those who were in the minority (even if they were bff's)
Those who were told they were inferior (below the others) began to believe they were stupid or less important
They didn't, everyone behaved the same as before
The minority participated less and did not stand up for one another
The minority was already weak, they just kept acting like that

Kenneth Boulding created these two terms:

Hint: 2 choices
Perception: we perceive things in different ways because we have different life experiences
Perspective: we view situations according to our current experiences and beliefs
Image: people don't see things as they actually appear, they're responding to their own image of reality; impacted by past experiences

Joel Barker created these two terms: (he built on Boulding's ideas)

Hint: 2 choices
Paradigm Alignment: when your personal set of rules matches the rules of others when reacting to the same situation
Paradigm: set of rules/conditions in your brain that acts a filter to process info
Paradigm Shift: a shift in understandings/beliefs and its change, thee rules/conditions that you judge situations by

Gordon Allport created these three terms:

Hint: 3 choices
In-Group: group you belong to with others that are similar to you; sense of belonging (ex. friends)
Out-Group: any group seen as different compared to your group; may be seen as a threat
Group Norms Theory of Prejudice: in-groups will take their frustration out on out-groups (not all)
Old-Group: the group you used to belong to and no long fit with; you've out-grown them (ex. friends from elementary school)

Allport believed children develop prejudice in 2 ways:

Hint: 2 choices
Watching television and reading about prejudice in novels
Copying the attitudes and behaviours of those around them
Adopt prejudice based on the way that they were raised

Theodore Adorno created this personality:

Quadriplegic Personality
Authoritarian Personality
Authoritative Personality
Totalitarian Personality

Which one of these characteristics is NOT a part of the Authoritarian Personality (if you did not get "Authoritarian" you got Q.29 wrong...) ?

Conventional: very strict to traditional rules of society (ex. -goody-two-shoes- or -Carlton Banks-)
Authoritarian Submission: obey authority figures without question
Authoritarian Aggression: extreme aggression to those who do not follow #1 and #2
Anti-Intraception: against anything that is subjective or imaginative; only want right and wrong; no grey areas
Superstitious and Stereotypical Thinking: more likely to have stereotypes and superstitions
Concern with Power and Toughness: want to be seen as tough and powerful
Destructiveness and Cynicism: very cynical of society, people are bad, pessimistic, negative outlook
Projectivity: project frustration onto minority groups
Lazy: they ignore others hard work, try to find the easy way out and annoy others

Frances Abound created these terms: (Select all that apply)

Social cognitive theory of prejudice: examines the process in which children learn about race and whether they accept or reject prejudice
Ages 4-7: see things in a self-centered way; no one else's point of view
Ages 10-12: stop seeing people in groups and start seeing individuals; less likely to stereotype or be prejudice

Beverly Tatum's findings were:

That race is an uncomfortable topic for most people; they're scared to offend people
That everyone discusses race and it is discussed too much

What does Beverly Tatum suggest can be done? (Select all that apply)

Hint: 2 choices
Talking, be more open about it
Being aware of your race and standing up for it
Changing curriculum to educate people about their difference

Which one of these is NOT a part of John Ogbu's findings?

Whites are smarter and learn faster than Blacks
Subordinate cultures: minorities in the U.S. and why there were more Blacks in lower-level English than in higher-level English
Blacks have an oral culture; emphasis on oral tradition
Whites have a majority culture; emphasis on tests/essays
Do not assume that everyone learns the same way

Which ones ARE a part of Ronald Samuda's thoughts about I.Q. Tests?

Hint: 3 choices
He is against them
Believes they are an accurate measurement of I.Q.
Says they are written by the white man
Says they're unfair
He wants to create more I.Q. Tests

What are Samuda's recommendations?

Hint: 2 choices
Get rid of I.Q. Tests
Keep I.Q. Tests exactly the same
Make culturally fair testing
Make I.Q. Tests longer

This theorist focuses on "the high levels of drop out rates in high school for Afro-Canadians and believes it is because there are no connections in books for Blacks"

Will Smith
Ronald Samuda
George Dei
Malcolm X

Which four are the characteristics of Hate Crimes?

Hint: 4 choices
Intense and impersonal: directed towards people in out-groups
Hatred is directed at scapegoats: a lot of people with hate search for a way to take out their anger
Random: you never know when they might occur
Based on prejudice and power: need authority over victims; use surprise and large numbers to do this
Genocide becomes a form of natural hatred

"Typically directed to an individual, after an outburst they feel guilty/sorry, directed towards someone they know; intense and personal"
This type of crime is usually driven by?

"Typically directed to an individual, after an outburst they feel guilty/sorry, directed towards someone they know; intense and personal" This type of crime is usually driven by?

"Directed to a whole class or group or people, no ability to feel remorse, directed at strangers; it is impersonal"
This type of crime is usually driven by?


Why should the Criminal Justice System single out crimes motivated by hatred? (Select all that apply)

Hint: 4 choices
Victims of hate crimes display longer lasting psychological impacts than regular crimes
This will help sort out crime easier; especially in order of priority
They are a violation of your basic human rights
Can divide communities; majority and minority
They are more violent
Induces fear in the victim and the whole group

TRUE or FALSE: These are the three typologies of hate crime offenders...
a) Thrill Seeking: young, typically male, not a part of a hate group, doing it for fun
b) Reactive: feel threatened and reacting to something that has happened; maintaining status quo
c) Mission-Oriented: believes they have a mission from a higher power to kill people of a specific group, associated with mental illness


What are the four main hate group typologies? (select all that apply)

Hint: 4 choices
Neo-Nazi: revival of the Nazi party, bringing honour to Hitler, want to be reinstated as a party
Christian Identity: justifies hate through biblical justification, interpret the Bible literally, racial purification, against mixed-marriages and homosexuals
Ku Klux Klan: against all minorities, white supremacist, assassinated Martin Luther King Jr. etc.
Holocaust Denial: deny the holocaust happened, distort facts, claim to be historians, want to restore order to Nazism and Hitler
Hell's Angels: ride motorcycles, secretive, close-knit group, outsiders are unwelcome
Racist Skinheads: white supremacist group, a youth movement lead by youths, VERY violent, uses music to express their views

Why are hate crimes UNDER-reported?

Hint: 4 choices
Fear of revenge
Because they don't happen that often
Believe that the police won't consider it a hate crime or take it seriously
People do not want to file them
Fear of secondary victimization: if an LGBTQ person has not disclosed their orientation, but wants to report a hate crime and would then have to disclose it
Crimes are not always filed correctly

"BLANK" is the number of new cases of mental illnesses/disorders per year


"BLANK" is the branch of medicine that deals with the incidence/possible control of illness and other factors dealing with health


"BLANK" is the simultaneous presence of two chronic diseases or conditions in a patient


"BLANK" is the sudy of signs and symptoms of mental disorders


"BLANK" is the branch of psychology that looks at causes and treatments of mental disorders


"BLANK" is someone who helps individuals, families, groups and communities to enhance their well-being; they CANNOT prescribe medication and they build self-esteem


"BLANK" is someone who has their PhD. in psychology, involved in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness; aren't covered by OHIP and CANNOT prescribe medication


"BLANK" is a medical practitioner who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness; they CAN prescribe medication


"BLANK" is the therapy that deliberately causes a seizure by electrocuting the brain in the hope of removing the mental illness; can results in broken bones, bruises and death


A "BLANK" is when doctors create incisions in the frontal lobes of the brain


"BLANK" is a treatment that aims to restore the fluids (4 humors; blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile), the goal is to balance the 4 and bleed out the negative


"BLANK" is when the doctors drill a hole in your skull


"BLANK" is the cause of a disease or condtion


"BLANK" means "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders"


"BLANK" is the total number of cases of a mental illness/disorder; both old and new


What is the impact of the stigma surrounding mental health in regards to the individual? (Select all that apply)

Hint: 4 choices
Causes people to delay seeking help
Causes people to discontinue treatment
The stigma does not impact them at all
Feel their future is uncertain
Causes them to take more time off of work

What is the impact of the stigma surrounding mental health in regards to families? (Select all that apply)

Hint: 3 choices
Feel burdened
Difficult treatment decisions and costs
Need to take time off work in order to care for their loved ones
Stress associated with the stigma

What is the impact of the stigma surrounding mental health in regards to society? (Select all that apply)

Hint: 3 choices
Employment: not as productive
Exclude them from society
Education: missing school and taking time off
Thinks they're crazy and destructive
Relationships: difficult especially if their personality changes

Mental Health in Canadian prisons (Select all that apply)

Hint: 4 choices
Mental health is not a major issue in Canadian prisons
Number of male/female inmates with mental illness is on the rise
1 in 10 men and 1 in 3 women in prison have been diagnosed with a mental illness
50% of offenders are accessing mental health facilities, even if they don't have an illness
Prisons have adequate medical staff and facilities
Inmates with a mental illness are more likely to end up in isolation which increases psychosis and suicide

These were considered causes of mental illnesses in the past (Select all that apply)

Hint: 2 choices
Greeks: believed in centering the 4 humors, illness has natural causes not supernatural
Not being able to cope with your situation
Witch Doctors: illness caused by supernatural powers, an evil spirit in your body, lost your soul, violated a norm, victim of witchraft

Historical treatments of mental illnesses (Select all that apply)

Hint: 6 choices
Ignoring the illness
Extreme heat and cold
Skull trepanning
Banishing the person
Natural medications
Communication with spirits

What are the correlations between homelessness and mental health? (Select all that apply)

Hint: 3 choices
86% of homeless individuals have a mental illness or substance abuse problem
73% were fired due to missing too many days of work this caused their homelessness
22% of homeless in Toronto list their illness as a cause to of their homelessness
50% experience severe depression
18% have schizophrenia or another psychosis disorder