How Much Do You Know About Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) This is just a fun quiz on whether or not you are a fanatic of Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)! HidekiRyuga published on April 26, 2015 Stacked 1/8 What are the different types of 'titans'? Hint: 3 choices Colossal? Hulks? Gamora? Armoured? Toilets? Females?!?! BATMEN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! 2/8 What is the plot of the anime? Futuristic Robots? BIG HERO 6!!! Aliens? Giant Naked Humans... ugh! Obviously.. um... I HAVE NO IDEA! 3/8 Who are the other secondary characters? Hint: 2 choices Armin! Sensei! Hobart! Mikasa! BATMAN! Dipper and Mabel! THE BATMEN! 4/8 Firstly, who is the main character? Eren? Is that the one? I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEIR NAMES ARE!!! Mikasa? Armin SASHA! 5/8 How do you spell Attack on Titan? Hint: Was in the test the WHOLE TIME! Type answer. Hint: 18 characters 6/8 Who is SASHA? POTATOES! POTATO GIRL! THE MAIN CHARACTER! BATMAN! 7/8 True or False: There is a person named Potato Girl? FALSE! TRUE! I HAVE NO IDEA! I don't know... why? BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!!! 8/8 What are the enemies called? POTATOES! HUMANS! TITANS! TEEN TITANS? BATMAN!?!?!?!?!? Ummm... BABIES?