Before Chicago How much do you know about Chicago's early history? Here's a hint: it involves Native Americans and other settlers! catherinerod published on August 04, 2014 Stacked 1/8 Who were the first people to live in Chicago? Native American Indian tribes such as the Potawatomi and Illini Christopher Columbus Barack Obama 2/8 What did Native American Indians in early Chicago eat? Hint: 2 choices alot of rice corn and meat fish 3/8 What was the land like in early Chicago? Hint: 2 choices it snowed all year long open spaces prairie lands 4/8 What did Chicago's early Native American Indians live in? Hint: 2 choices covered places teepees treehouses 5/8 Are Native American Indians related to Indian people from India? Hint: 2 choices Yes No Hey! These are two different types of cultures! 6/8 Why should we learn about early Chicago history? Hint: 2 choices All third graders need to know this information. I live in Chicago, so I should know something about it! My teacher made me do it. 7/8 What is another word for corn? Hint: 2 choices monument maiz maize 8/8 Who was the "Founder of Chicago"? Jean Baptiste DuSable George Washington My father.