Trucking Industry Economic Impact Quiz Test your knowledge on the economic impact of the trucking industry with this quiz consisting of 12 questions. rihanna80 published on April 16, 2024 Stacked 1/12 What percentage of goods are transported by trucks in the United States? 40% 60% 80% 2/12 How many jobs in the U.S. are supported by the trucking industry? 5 million 8 million 10 million 3/12 Which state has the highest number of trucking companies in the U.S.? California Texas Florida 4/12 What is the average salary of a truck driver in the U.S.? $40,000 $50,000 $60,000 5/12 Which industry heavily relies on the trucking industry for its transportation needs? Technology Retail Healthcare 6/12 What percentage of fuel consumption in the U.S. is attributed to trucks? 25% 40% 60% 7/12 What is the estimated annual contribution of the trucking industry to the U.S. GDP? $300 billion $600 billion $900 billion 8/12 Which city is considered the trucking capital of the U.S.? Chicago Atlanta Dallas 9/12 What is the average number of miles a truck driver in the U.S. drives per year? 50,000 miles 100,000 miles 150,000 miles 10/12 How much does the trucking industry contribute to government tax revenue annually? $40 billion $60 billion $80 billion 11/12 Which type of goods are primarily transported by trucks? Perishable goods Raw materials Luxury goods 12/12 What percentage of all freight revenue in the U.S. comes from the trucking industry? 50% 70% 90%