Could you survive the Hunger Games?

Could you survive the Hunger Games?

Tests your instinct, smarts and survival skills in a simulator. May the odds be ever in your favour.

published on August 02, 2015

Is juneberry safe to eat? (Y or N)

Is juneberry safe to eat? (Y or N)

If you had no particular skills, which weapon from the Cornucopia would increase your chances of survival the most?

If you had no particular skills, which weapon from the Cornucopia would increase your chances of survival the most?
A knife
A bow and arrows
A spear
A snare kit

For a fire, you need both tinder and fuel. Give an example of both.

For a fire, you need both tinder and fuel. Give an example of both.
Straw and cloth
Paper and branches
Twigs and moss

Which is not a likely indication that a plant is poisonous?

Which is not a likely indication that a plant is poisonous?
Milky or discoloured sap
Spines, hairs or thorns
Two-leaved growth pattern

If you see a snake, what could you do? (Pick two)

If you see a snake, what could you do? (Pick two)
Hint: 2 choices
Kill it with a snare and eat it
Follow it and take anything it kills
Leave it alone
Kill it with a snare but don't eat it

Where would you build a fire?

Where would you build a fire?
In a cave where there is cover
On flat, clear terrain
Nowhere. You'd draw attention to yourself

Which are safe to use as a water supplement?

Which are safe to use as a water supplement?
Hint: 2 choices

Who would you team up with?

Who would you team up with?
A strong player
Someone you trust
No one
Anyone, can't afford to be fussy
A young player

You find a dead rabbit. What could you do with it? (Pick two)

You find a dead rabbit. What could you do with it? (Pick two)
Hint: 2 choices
Eat it
Use it as bait for a tribute
Use it as bait for another animal
Leave it where it was

How would you treat frostbite?

How would you treat frostbite?
Massage it
Apply a dressing
Cover it in water