Evidence that the working class have poor life chances (UK) Sociology A2 G674 Social Class, Evidence module. Income and Wealth, Employment, Education, Health, Crime, Politics and Housing EsmeBrown216 published on May 20, 2014 Stacked 1/9 What unemployment rate (%) do professionals have? and what unemployment rate (%) do machinery operatives have? Hint: 2 choices 2% 10% 7% 8% 1% 2/9 How much more likely are lower class infants to die during pregnancy or their first year than professional class infants? 2x as likely 4x as likely 3x as likely 3/9 Define 'Life chances' The term (originating from Max Weber) refers to the opportunities certain social groups have, as defined by Mills (59): all aspects of health, completion of... The term (originating from Max Weber) refers to the opportunities certain classes have, as defined by Mills (59): all aspects of health, completion of highe... The term (originating from Max Weber refers to the oppertunities certain people have, as defined by Mills (59): all aspects of health, completion of higher... 4/9 Average gross annual pay (06) for senior officials and managers and then for machinery opperatives Hint: 2 choices £41,264 £46,124 £46,214 £42,164 £42,614 £41 624 £19,113 £13,119 5/9 death rates of professionals fell by what % more than lower class death rates? 43% 23% 34% 6/9 What percentage of the whole country's wealth do the richest 1% own? 25% 40% 50% 79% 7/9 What % of MPs (just 7% of the general population) were private schooled? and what % were grammar schooled? Hint: 2 choices 32% 23% 15% 19% 43% 8/9 3.5 billion of the poorest people in the world have as much as how many of the richest people in the world? 72 85 43 91 9/9 What percentage of the Uk's Richest in 2009 were 7x richer than the poorest? 20% 4% 50% 64%