Do you know me? (63) Answer these questions, if you get all correct you know me very well. Well let’s see. Jamiahbright published on December 04, 2018 Stacked 1/8 Color? Dark blue Pastel purple Bright yellow 2/8 What’s my favorite letter? J L H W 3/8 Favorite sibling(s)? Brittney Brianna Bryant Brandon Jeremiah 4/8 What is the thing I ALWAYS say under my breath? Type answer. Hint: 23 characters 5/8 Do you love me the most? Type answer. Hint: 3 characters 6/8 Can you spell my middle name? Type answer. Hint: 9 characters 7/8 How are you liking it so far? It’s okay. Boring.... Ugh is it over??? 8/8 What’s my favorite day? Hint: 4 choices Monday Thurday Saturday Sunday Friday