sister quiz (1) jbdbjbjbbscj\sdbche fuh au uedhuedh udhagd hshhbhydhgdshghdgcg hgsdflbcsbbye claudiafoy published on July 04, 2016 Stacked 1/10 How many people do i have in my class? 29 28 30 2/10 Who is my best friend? Amy Rachael Aine 3/10 Whats my fav food Crips chips banana pasta pizza idk 4/10 What is my fav colour? light grey grey white 5/10 How many shopkins teddys do i have? 1 0 2 6/10 Whats my fav animal ? giraffe any rino 7/10 how many plays have i been in? 0 1 2 8/10 who is my fav sibling? Daniel Claudia NO MO SO 9/10 WHat AniMal dO i LeEaSt Like? A monkey A snake A swan 10/10 Do you like me? NO MO SO FO YASSS