How well do you know Harry Potter? (6)

How well do you know Harry Potter? (6)

FOR HARRY POTTER FANS ONLY! See how well you know the Harry Potter books/movies!

published on February 13, 2016

What was Sirius black accused of? (There may be more than one answer)

What was Sirius black accused of? (There may be more than one answer)
Hint: 2 choices
Killing Peter Pettigrew
Killing Tom Riddle
Killing Remus Lupin
Helping Lord Voldemort
Helping the Order of the Phoenix

What comes after the line "after all this time"?(I know, this is an easy one.)

What comes after the line "after all this time"?(I know, this is an easy one.)
Of course

"Expecto Patronum!" Is a spell that

"Expecto Patronum!" Is a spell that
Knocks your opponent unconscious
Fights off dementors
Causes your opponent to sprout canary feathers
Lights up your wand
Causes objects to float

Harry lives at

Harry lives at
Number 3, privet drive
Number 3, Mongolia avenue
Number 4, privet drive
Number 4, Mongolia avenue

Who are the marauders? (Choose all that apply.)

Who are the marauders? (Choose all that apply.)
Hint: 4 choices
James potter
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley
Peter pettigrew
Remus lupin
Severus snape
Sirius black

In the epilogue, who are Harry Potter's three kids?

In the epilogue, who are Harry Potter's three kids?
Lily, Albus, and Remus
Lily, Albus and James
Teddy, Ginny and Fred
Teddy, James, and Lily
None of the above

What are some of the obstacles that Harry, Ron and hermione face on their way to save the sorcerer's stone? Click all that apply.

What are some of the obstacles that Harry, Ron and hermione face on their way to save the sorcerer's stone? Click all that apply.
Hint: 3 choices
Devil's snare tries to strangle them
They have to answer a riddle about potions
They have to fight a dementor
They have to get through a maze made of hedges
They have to ride brooms to catch a key
They have to fight a basilisk with a sword

Who does Charlie Weasley get married to?

Who does Charlie Weasley get married to?
Angelina Johnston
Lavender Brown
Fleur Delacour
He doesn't get married

Who are Ron weasley's siblings?

Who are Ron weasley's siblings?
Hint: 3 choices
Fred Weasley
Draco Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Arthur Weasley
Hermione Weasley

Who is this?

Who is this?
Neville longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Seamus Finnigan
Dudley Dursley
Dean Thomas

What is Umbridge's full name?

What is Umbridge's full name?
Dolores May Umbridge
Minerva Jean Umbridge
Dolores Jane Umbridge
Nymphadora Jean Umbridge
I have no idea