Unit Review This unit review has some of the multiple choice questions that will be on your test Ashlye_Ruppert published on September 27, 2016 Stacked 1/11 King James of England signed a charter that set up Jamestown. What is Jamestown best known for? It was successful because of the gold and silver that was discovered there. Although it was not easy, the colonist made a permanent peace with the natives who lived in the New World Even though James town came very close to failing, it represents first successful English colony in North America Jamestown is the only area where Bigfoot is guaranteed to live 2/11 Maryland was founded as a Colony where Catholics could worship freely Colony where debtors could go and work to repay their depts Colony where Quakers could worship freely Colony where people could specialize in fishing 3/11 Pennsylvania was founded as a Colony where Catholics could worship freely Colony where debtors could go and work to repay their depts Colony where Quakers could worship freely Colony where people could specialize in fishing 4/11 Georgia was founded as a Colony where Catholics could worship freely Colony where debtors could go and work to repay their depts Colony where Quakers could worship freely Colony where people could specialize in fishing 5/11 Before coming to the Americas, the pilgrims relocated to what country? France Holland Spain England 6/11 Life at Jamestown was not easy. Which of the following describes the area where Jamestown was built? Jamestown was built in a swampy area that made it extremely difficult to grow crops and was home to disease carrying mosquitoes Jamestown was built on the side of the mountain. The rocky soil made it impossible to have successful harvest Jamestown was built in between two native American tribes who were at war this caused the colonist to undergo countless raids and attacks The colonists spent almost 2 years clearing out trees, bushes, and rocks in order to build the settlement 7/11 Why did the pilgrims wish to leave the church of England? They wanted to have church on Fridays instead of Sundays By law, they were forced to follow the customs of the church of England, something that was against puritanism The king of England was forcing the pilgrims to leave because they were causing trouble in the church They wanted to leave the church because they needed a vacation 8/11 John Smith and other Jamestown colonist attempted to trade with the_____ tribe while at Jamestown Croatoan Powhatan Roanoke Cherokee 9/11 Which of the following is NOT a reason why Europeans were able to so easily defeat the American natives? They brought diseases which the natives were not immune to Many natives thought the Europeans were God-like, so they cooperated and did as they were told The superior weaponry of the Europeans were of no match to the natives The American natives were not trained fighters, thereby making them easy to defeat 10/11 The pilgrims fled to England and moved to Holland, however after 12 years they moved again. What causes the pilgrims to leave Holland and set up a colony in the Americas? They were worried their children were forgetting their English roots The church of Holland would not let them where ship freely The Dutch (people living in Holland) we're very unfriendly The pilgrims heard of the gold in the New World and wanted to get rich 11/11 Because of a lack of food, John White returned to England to gather more supplies. When he returned to the island, what did he find? Nothing but the words "CROATOAN" on a tree Everyone was there to greet him He found the dead bodies of all the colonists He found a clan of native Americans living in the houses that the colonist had built