TOT training

TOT training

The goal of this test is to assess and measure the improvement in your knowledge before and after the training. If you do not know the answer please select 'I don’t know' instead of guessing the correct answer

published on July 12, 2018

Principles of adult learning suggest that:

Adults will be more motivated to learn something if they know why it is important
Adults will be more motivated to learn something if it’s entirely new to them
The adult will be more motivated to learn something if they don’t have to think about work
I don’t know

Adults learn in different ways, so as a trainer it is most important to:

Tell learners beforehand about your training style so as to manage their expectations
Adopt a lecturing style as most people have experienced this are used to learning in this way
Design training that employs a variety of methods so as to appeal to different learning styles
I don’t know

Kolb’s Experiential learning Cycle has the following four stages

Identifying needs, setting goals, having a go, learning from mistakes
Active experimentation, reflective observation, conscious application, real time evaluation
Concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, active experimentation
I don’t know

In The Training Cycle:

Writing Objectives comes after Designing Training and before Training Delivery
Writing Objectives comes after Identifying Training Needs and before Designing Training
Writing Objectives before both Identifying both Training Needs and Designing Training
I don’t know

The main purpose of Bloom’s Taxonomy is to:

Classify learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity
Keep things simple by focusing on what is most achievable in the time available
Evaluate training by assessing behavior change and impact
I don’t know

In the context of training objectives, SMART stands for:

Specific, Meaningful, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound
Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Relevant and Time bound
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound
I don’t know

The role of the facilitator in training is mainly to:

Keep it simple
Make it easy
Educate and inform
I don’t know

When designing a training session, identify Key Learning Points. These are:

The various points in the session when participants will learn new information
Specific points in the session when you must change from one training technique to the next
The key points that you want participants to remember as a result of your session
I don’t know

In Kirkpatrick’s model of training evaluation, there are five levels. The third level is:

Behaviour change or Transfer of Learning
Results or Impact
Return on Investment
I don’t know

Complete this saying: “For the things we have to learn before we can do them …”

“… we learn from those who have already done them.”
“… we must first unlearn the things we did before them.”
“… we learn by doing them.”
I don’t know