Sea Monsters Quiz Do you think you know everything there is to know about the mysterious sea monsters? Take this quiz and find out how much you really know about them! rihanna80 published on May 04, 2023 Stacked 1/11 What animal is the Loch Ness Monster said to resemble? Gorilla Megalodon Giraffe Plesiosaurus 2/11 What family of mythological creatures are mermaids technically a part of? Kelpie Seimur Selkie Silabante 3/11 What is the name of the sea monster that is said to lurk off the coast of Norway? Tuhamutapu Gugalanna'nû Kraken Meerukotta 4/11 What is the name of the sea monster said to be so large that it created the Bermuda Triangle? Leviathan Kopru Cthulhu Kraken 5/11 What type of creature is Japan's Umijimakuri? Sea Serpent Octopus Tiger Shark Giant Fish 6/11 Which creature is a type of freshwater monster often said to inhabit the Amazon River? Kraken Leviathan Cthulhu Bunyip 7/11 What type of creature is the Bessie, said to live in the deeper parts of Lake Erie? Giant Squid Sea Serpent Tropical Fish Giant Fish 8/11 What type of creature is the Jenglot of Indonesia thought to be? Loch Ness Monster Vampire Bat Kraken Zombie Shark 9/11 What is the name of the legendary sea monster said to inhabit the waters of Norway? Kraken Maulis Mollusc Leviathan Tsunanukeuchimo 10/11 Which sea monster is said to live in the waters of the Caribbean Islands? Selkie Tuhamutapu Kelpie Lusca 11/11 What is the name of the sea monster said to live in the Mariana Trench? Colossus of the Deep Kraken Leviathan Cthulhu