Do you know me well? (3) It's Wolfie's quizzie time! You think you know me,eh?Let me see how well you do here and see if you really know/care about me.? Hpkmin published on May 08, 2018 Stacked 1/8 I live for Chicken!Yum Yum!But which one do I prefer?? Chicken Nuggets Chicken Steak Fried Chicken Grilled Chicken 2/8 Drinks are my go-to appetizer!Water,Soda, name'em!But I order this drink every time I'm at a restaurant!Can you guess what it is?? Diet Coke Orange Juice Strawberry Smoothie Lime Soda 3/8 I currently want... A Camera! A Friend that would listen to my feelings and thoughts and be there for me no matter what. A Laptop with editing softwares! A Dance Studio!! 4/8 You're a friend I really love and we're sharing a meal together.And there's one last juicy chicken thigh!Would I... Share it.(It's fair.We both get to eat it) Playfully stuff the whole thing onto my mouth.(Cuz nobody touchin dis thigh!!) Let you have it.(Why not?You deserve it.) 5/8 All I want for Christmas is.... You A Trip with my people A Frickin Christmas Party but we ain't Christians.Lol A Million Dollars 6/8 My favourite way of getting close to someone is... Holding Hands(Skipping down the mountains together.) Hugging(Nice and Tight.Sweet and Warm) Talking.(A LOT) 7/8 My Fvourite Colour is... Blue(Stylish AF) Grey(Cuz I'm Wolfie.That's me) White.(It goes well with every color) Hot Pink(This Pink is Hot and the others are not) 8/8 I say my Fare well by... Saying Bye. Bye and Hugs. Waving and Smiling Doing all of the above untill you leave.(This doesn't imply for everyone)