Dental SLO unit 7,8,9 Dental SLO test unit 7,8,9, dental test dental dental dental. taking a test for dental important. jenaC published on April 13, 2015 Stacked 1/25 If the raised bump on the radiograph is toward you, you are viewing the teeth as though: 1. the patient's left side is your left side 2. the patient's left side is your right side are on the inside of the mouth sitting on the tongue looking out 4. you are on the outside of the mouth looking in 1,3 2,4 1,2 2,3 2/25 What is the average body's oral resting temperature? 97.6-99 degrees 93.5-99.5 degrees 96.5-100 degrees 3/25 Prophylactic antibiotics are used in dentistry to____. Treat fungal infections Prevent infective endocarditis Relieve anxiety 4/25 Each successive panoramic radiograph appears lighter than the one before. Which of the following do you do? Replenish fixer solution Change mA settings Replenish developer solution Replenish water 5/25 Which of the following cause fogging on radiogrpahs? 1. scattered radiation 2. underexposure 3. improper safelighting 4. processing solution is too cold 1,3 1,2 3,4 6/25 Out of the following which are true regarding automatic film processing solutions? 1. solutions must be replenished every day 2. solutions must be replenished every week 3. solution temperatures are high than those required for manual processing 4. temperatures are lower than those required for manual processing 2.4 1.3 1,2 7/25 The overall lightness or darkness of a radiograph is called ... contrast color density 8/25 The most common place to taking a patient's pulse in the dental office is the __. Brachial Artery Radial Artery Carotid Artery 9/25 Out of the list which are needed before dental radiographs are taken on any patient? 1. Medical History 2. Clinical examination 3. History of previous radiographs 4. Referral to selection criteria 1,2,4 2,3 1,4 All are correct 10/25 Out of the list all are advantages of digital imaging EXCEPT: 1. less radiation to the patient 2. ability to obtain consultation from remote source 3. less cross-contamination 4. overall expense of equipment 1 2 3 4 11/25 A fetus is more susceptible to damage from an x-radiation dose equal to that given to an adult because the fetus has___? less dense bone lighter body weight more rapidly producing cells 12/25 Using the "E" speed instead of the "D" speed radiograph film requires ___. longer exposure time shorter developing time shorter exposure time longer developing time 13/25 Light radiographs can be caused by: 1. film packet reversal 2. low mA setting 3. exhausted developer 4. over-development 1,2,4 1,2,3 2,3,4 14/25 What is the device to control the size and shape of the primary x-ray beam? filter collimator film holder 15/25 A darkened area on an exposed and processed radiograph is described as __. radiopaque radiolucent underexposed 16/25 If the temperature of the developing solution is slightly above normal, radiographs of the required density may be produced by permitting a____. shorter fixing time longer developing time shorter developing time 17/25 Leaving a film in the fixer overnight will cause it to be ____. Blackish Brown Completely clear diagnostically acceptable 18/25 An extraoral radiograph would be LEAST likely to: show or detect interproximal caries locate impacted teeth view sinuses 19/25 A medical emergency can happen at any time, so it is important for the dental assistant to ___. Be alert and continuously observe the patient to watch for problems check patients blood pressure throughout procedure check patient's pulse every 15 seconds 20/25 The normal pulse of a resting adult is ____. 60-100 beats per minute 50-60 beats per minute 30-40 beats per minute 21/25 Both milliamperage and exposure time determine ____. Number of x-rays produced energy radiation produced degree of film fog 22/25 Interproximal caries can be best detected in which kind of radiograph view? periapical panoramic bitewing 23/25 Choose out of the list that would occur if the automatic processor rollers were not cleaned: 1. films may be scratched 2. films may become radiopaque 3. films may be lost in the transport mechanism 4. films may acquire a herringbone image 1.3 2,3 3,4 24/25 The normal respiration rate for a relaxed adult is ___. 10-20 breaths per minute 50-60 breaths per minute 5-12 breaths per minute 25/25 For a topical anesthetic ointment to have optimum effectiveness, it must remain on site of injection for____. 10-20 seconds 7 minutes 3-5 minutes