True or false? (3) Welcome to part on of true or false! I'm pretty sure the title explains it all tho^ Hanuel published on December 14, 2015 Stacked 1/11 The sky is blue I don't know False True 2/11 Alo is Romanian for hello. I don't know True False 3/11 You are more likely to die from a falling coconut than a shark attack True ??? False 4/11 There once was a traffic jam that lasted 10 days. False True I don't know 5/11 Elvis Presley received a C- in his eighth grade music class. False I don't know True 6/11 The Disney Channel Origional Movie "Cloud 9" was filmed in Salt Lake City Utah. False True I don't know 7/11 The Chamber of Secrets is located in the girl's bathroom at Hogwarts. False I don't know True 8/11 As a punishment for fighting at school, two kids could either be suspended or hold hands for an hour. True False Idk 9/11 There is a guy who can swallow snakes and they will come out from his nose. False True Idk 10/11 Daniel Radcliffe has more money the the prince of Wales. True False Idk 11/11 J.K. Rowling is worth 23.5 billion U.S. dollars. False Idk True