Do you REALLY know Teen Titans Go? Do you REALLY know Teen Titans Go? I've been watching that show since 7! GhostyToesty published on November 20, 2018 Stacked 1/5 Who's personality is thisserious mostly all the time? Raven Starfire Beast Boy Robin cyborg 2/5 Which titan always wants pizza Beast Boy Cyborg Starfire-cuz, you know... 3/5 Who is Cyborg's BFF Beast Boy why? Robin 4/5 Who is the leader of Teen Titans Go? ROOOOOOOOOBIIIIIIIIIIIN DUH Beast boy? R-Raven? Starfire, immediate answer Cyboooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrgagaga 5/5 What is this quiz called even though this has nothing to do with the titans. (Be careful!) Do you REALLY know the Teen titans go? uh, why is this here? Do you REALLY know Teen Titans Go?