TheTopTens Test TheTopTens is a countdown based site however there have been some moments, and changes over its 14 year lifespan. Exactly how much do you know? htoutlaws published on April 24, 2019 Stacked 1/21 In 14 years what year did the site reach having 100,000 Lists made? 2017 2018 2019 2/21 What year was the terms of use put into place, and or Email requirement? 2005 2015 2014 3/21 TheTopTens Consists of how many employees? 100 10 or less 50 4/21 What popular features were removed from the site overtime? Down voting Comments Chatroom Thread Showing Top Comments All of the Above 5/21 Under your profile information what use to be an option to have included? Street Address Social Background Occupation Area Code 6/21 In 2018 Creating Lists got a whole lot different in 2018, what verifications were they named? Hint: 4 choices My List Objective List Subjective List Community List Self-Moderated List Factual List 7/21 This user tried to rally the community to run as a new admin candidate of the site in 2016? PositronWildhawk therandom Velitecabal 8/21 Who is the main equivalent competitor to TheTopTens? Reddit Ranker 4chan 9/21 On the ''Add a Top Ten List list'' page you have an option to have that list be linked to what following sites of your choosing? Hint: 3 choices Amazon Facebook TheToptens Twitter iTunes Reddit 10/21 This user was the first ever to have 100 high quality blog posts in 2017? NuMetalManiak Wonkeydude98 htoutlaws2012 11/21 As of 2019 This user has 1,000 followers? Britgirl htoutlaws2012 PositronWilhawk None of the above 12/21 This User coined the term ''Generations'' while also giving the definition of how users signed up approximately in 2015? Type answer. Hint: 12 characters 13/21 This is the Most voted list as of April 23rd 2019? Music Artists You'd Like to Perform at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremonies Greatest Anime of All Time Music Artists You'd Like to Perform at the 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremonies 14/21 The Only way you can search up and revisited old removed existence of the site in its early days would be to go to what other website? Type answer. Hint: 15 characters 15/21 This user feud was the main reason for the terms of use to be established? Velitelcabal vs Birdechosplash Puga Vs SevenLizards therandom vs Danteem Element119 Vs Jack2244 16/21 In 2016 This user got up to #1 In Member Score, Comments, & Remixes almost doubled the amount of the previous record holder. Type answer. Hint: 13 characters 17/21 This user hold the record for having made the most in the sites history (Before the terms of use was made)? AggressiveBlaze Lucertia LighningBlade 18/21 Which of the following colors represents TheTopTens Logos (old & Current)? Hint: 4 choices Orange Red Blue White Black Yellow 19/21 How many accounts are estimated count of? 1 Milion 148,000 100,000 20/21 As A Member of the community, what can you Moderate? Images Lists Blog Post Comments 21/21 What year could you have the ability to upload Images? 2014 2015 2016