Chemistry Yr9 Quiz Test your knowledge on questions surrounding the periodic table and barely microscopic molecules such as H2O. Chemistry is about experimenting and guessing but this quiz is about certain knowledge and facts. tobymeyrick published on September 01, 2014 Stacked 1/15 What are taken away or gained in Ions? Type answer. Hint: 9 characters 2/15 What is the outer shell known as? Type answer. Hint: 7 characters 3/15 All acids contain what? Oxygen Hydrogen Carbon Helium Nitrogen 4/15 What is it called when a Solid turns to a Gas. Type answer. Hint: 11 characters 5/15 How many Neutrons does Chlorine have? 20 19 22 21 6/15 What is CuCO3? Carbon Trioxide Copper Carbonate Chromium Monoxide Carbon Copper Alloy Caesium Carbonate 7/15 What elements make up H2O? 2 hydrogens and 1 Oxygen 1 helium and 2 oxygens 1 hydrogen and 2 oxygen 2 hydrogens and 2 oxygens 2 heliums and 1 oxygen 8/15 All animal lifeforms on this planet are what based? Type answer. Hint: 6 characters 9/15 1 Hydrogen and 1 Chlorine makes? Sulfuric Acid Hydrofluric Acid Hydrochloric Acid 10/15 What has an atomic number of 17 Magnesium Calcium Chlorine Sodium Caesium Potassium Aluminium 11/15 What atomic number is Magnesium Type answer. Hint: 2 characters 12/15 What type of Gases have full outer shells Hint: 2 choices Noble Full Inert Royal Complete 13/15 Protons, Neutrons and Electrons by themselves are known as? Mini-Atoms Quarks Sub-Atomic Mini-Particles Charges 14/15 Which best describes Distillation? Separates liquids that have different boiling points and condenses these so that they can be collected. Separates solids that are insoluble from those that have dissolved into a solution. Separates a dissolved solid from the liquid part of the solution using heat. 15/15 What is the chemical equation for Magnesium Hydroxide MOH2 MGOH2 MgH2o Mg(Oh)2 MG(OH)2 Mg(OH)2