Pre- RN Float Feedback for PICU All questions are based on working in the PICU. Please answer the following questions and only choose one answer. sfannin published on May 31, 2016 Stacked 1/11 What tasks are included in our hourly documentation? Intake/Output, vitals, neuro checks Intake/Output, oral care, restraint checks Vitals, IV assessments, intake/output Neuro checks, vitals, restraint checks 2/11 Do you know what day and which shift we change central line dressings? Saturday/Dayshift Saturday/Nightshift Sunday/Dayshift Sunday/Nightshift 3/11 Do you know what time to hang TPN? Dayshift 6 pm Nightshift 8pm Nightshift 10pm 4/11 Do you know when to change tube feeding bags? Dayshift Nightshift After 24 hrs, it doesn't matter which shift 5/11 Do you know when medication drips, A-lines, CVPs and IVF are changed in the PICU? Dayshift Nightshift Both Shifts 6/11 How many visitors do we allow at the bedside at one time? One Two Three The number of visitors does not matter as long as it does not compromise patient care 7/11 What time are AM labs drawn? 2 AM 4 AM 6 AM 8 AM 8/11 How often do we provide oral care for intubated patients? Every two hours and prn Every 4 hours and prn Every hour and prn 9/11 When are patients bathed in the PICU? Dayshift Nightshift Depends on the patients status 10/11 How often are IV lines changed in the PICU? Every three days Every four days When the IV bag needs to be changed 11/11 We use an IV pump (not the pressure bag) for arterial lines when patients are.... > 1 yr or > than 10 kg < 1 yr or < than 10 kg < 1 yr but >than 10 kg