Logo Quiz (1) You will have to guess the brands with only a photo of the logo. There are 12 questions. nahiarss published on June 02, 2020 Stacked 1/12 What brand is this logo? Swarovski Black Swan Cisne films 2/12 What brand is this logo? Peacock NBC 8PCS 3/12 What brand is this logo? Moonia (beauty and cosmetics) Loremipsum Dreamworks 4/12 What brand is this logo? Canon Sanyo Netflix 5/12 What brand is this logo? Wella Hair Style Pantene 6/12 What brand is this logo? Channel Hermes Gucci 7/12 What brand is this logo? Camarosix Tommy Hilfiger Yamaha 8/12 What brand is this logo? Red hat Pizza hut Taco bell 9/12 What brand is this logo? The North Mountain Compass Rose Safari 10/12 What brand is this logo? Ralph Lauren Ferrari Mustang 11/12 What brand is this logo? Alfa Romeo Mercedes-Benz BMW 12/12 What brand is this logo? Air Jordan NBA Soopnit