iron maiden quiz Test your knowledge of a simple and super essay quiz about my favorite band CoolMan published on February 22, 2016 Stacked 1/6 who formed the band Steve Harris Bruce dickens UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM What was the quistion 2/6 what is the newest album Hint: 2 choices Book Of Soals Trooper Killers Book of Soals 3/6 What is not a song Afraid to shoot stangers Empire of the clouds The longest days Aces High 2 min. to midnight Ware eagls dare The Trooper 4/6 How many singers (Wright in numbers not letters) Type answer. Hint: 1 character 5/6 What is words of a song "for all you unbelievers the titanic fits inside" "asdafgsdfxserdctfvgybhunjimk,ol" "The Last Day of the last minute I see the world closing in 6/6 Random question what is spelt corect There thr thre