How much do you know about Crash Bandicoot? Think you know Crash Bandicoot? ... What, never heard of it? Ah, sheit anonymous-user-C544jZ published on April 15, 2016 Stacked 1/9 What is Crash Bandicoot's favorite food? Water Melon Wumpa Fruit Apples 2/9 Which Mask does Crash use? Uka Uka Velo Aku Aku None! 3/9 Which character was Crash's girlfriend before leaving him for Pinstripe? Tawna Coco Nina 4/9 Which game had an entire soundtrack done by Spiral Mouth, an acepella group? Crash Bandicoot 2 Crash Twinsanity Crash Tag Team Racing 5/9 Who were used as Rides of Crash? Hint: 2 choices Polar Purra T Rex Yoshi Tawna (okay, that's just lewd!) 6/9 Which character was at one point voiced by Nolan North? Crash Crunch N.Gin Tiny N.Brio 7/9 Who made the first four Crash Bandicoot games? Type answer. Hint: 11 characters 8/9 Which country never got the last two Crash Bandicoot games? Japan France Russia 9/9 What was Neo Cortex raised by? Wolves Rich scientists Clowns