Psychology Quiz Social psychology is a piece of ... - Practice questions 1 - 28. Please comment ggbruce published on September 09, 2016 Stacked 1/28 When participants in Milgram's experiments wanted to quit, they were given: shocks to keep them going. money as an incentive to keep going. up to four verbal prods to keep them going. a reward for being one of the few to disobey. 2/28 A group of 4 managers is reviewing job applications for a new position. Each manager is aware of the same four weaknesses of Candidate A but each individual manager also knows two unique strengths about Candidate A. During the discussion of candidate A, what information is most likely to be shared and discussed among the managers? Candidate A’s weaknesses Candidate A’s strengths Candidate A’s strengths and weaknesses equally The job criteria 3/28 The main difference between Sherif’s conformity study and Asch’s conformity study is that Asch’s study examined situations where one’s own beliefs clearly conflict with those of thegroup. demonstrated the powerful effects of social influence. showed higher rates of conformity. measured participants’ judgments of visual stimuli. 4/28 According to what was covered in lecture, experiencing social exclusion tends to lead toall of the following except aggression. depression. emotional numbness. loss of meaning. 5/28 ________ refers to the loosening of normal behavioral constraints when people are in a crowd, leading to increases in impulsive and deviant acts. Immoral contagion Collective anonymity Social loafing Deindividuation 6/28 When our behaviour is a result of our boss telling us to do something, it is a form of obedience. acceptance. conformity. compliance. 7/28 People with an interdependent self-concept: tend to focus on their personally unique attributes when describing themselves tend to focus on their relationships with others when describing themselves tend to make important decisions without seeking input from significant others (e.g., parents, friends) have more friends than people with independent self-concepts 8/28 Victor goes to a fancy French restaurant. There are utensils on the table that he’s never even seen before, and more spoons and forks than he’s ever seen on one table. Eager to dine in an appropriate and sophisticated way, Victor secretly watches other diners to see what they do. This is an example of normative social influence. situational interdependence. informational social influence. normative conformity. 9/28 We experience cognitive dissonance when: our behavior is inconsistent with our attitudes our behavior is consistent with our attitudes our attitudes are negative our attitudes are strong and certain 10/28 A(n) __________ helps us organize information about the self and influences what we notice, think about, and remember. independent Self interdependent Self self-schema self serving Bias 11/28 In a series of experiments, why did Solomon Asch (1951, 1956) ask participants to judge the lengths of lines which were clearly different from one another? Asch wanted to study conformity in ambiguous situations. believed that people would conform in their judgments. wanted to study conformity in unambiguous situations. believed that Muzafer Sherif’s experiments were fatally flawed. 12/28 Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement about independent and interdependent self construals? All humans share the need for interdependence (belonging) and independence (uniqueness). Both independence and interdependence can be effectively primed in the US and in in Hong Kong. Bicultural people (e.g., Asian Americans) can be primed (e.g., with pictures of American icons vs. Asian icons) to behave both independently and interdepend... Globalization will create even larger cross-cultural differences in interdependence 13/28 Laboratory research on rejection shows that people who are rejected: act aggressively toward others experience reduced executive function show impaired self-regulation all of the above 14/28 Milgram found that about ________percent of his participants went all the way to 450 volts in his original experiment. 25 45 65 85 15/28 Which of the following people is most likely to have fallen prey to the fundamental attribution error? Cindy, who explains her poor exam performance by pointing out how hard the questions were. Tim, who points to a person who fell down and says, "What a clumsy oaf!" Beatriz, who points to an erratic driver and says, "Look at that! The roads are slick tonight." Alex, who explains his girlfriend's tears by saying, "She didn't get enough sleep last night." 16/28 Nisbett/Cohen and colleagues argue that the culture of honor in the American South exists because: Southerners endorse violence of all types more than Northerners. the South was settled by herders whose lifestyle promoted this culture. the South’s norms of politeness make the men especially likely to experience triggered displaced aggression Southerners have, on average, higher levels of testosterone than Northerners. 17/28 According to research on social facilitation, which of the following is NOT a reason whythe presence of other people affects our performance on tasks: The presence of other people causes us to become especially alert to our surroundings. The presence of other people serves as a source of social support. The presence of other people causes us to experience evaluation apprehension. The presence of other people can be especially distracting. 18/28 Social isolation has been shown to affect all of the following outcomes, except: alcohol abuse blood pressure stroke depression 19/28 Whichof the following is an effective strategy for reducing aggression? Increasing punishments for aggressive criminal acts Catharsis Building empathy Avoiding difficult discussions with aggressive people 20/28 According to research on attributions, who is least likely to engage in self-serving attributions? Narcissistic people Depressed people Mentally healthy people People from Western cultures 21/28 Social psychologists emphasize which of the following factors in explaining human behaviour: Situation Personality Biopsychosocial Random 22/28 The experimenter in Milgram's study used all except which of the following verbal prods to encourage participants to continue? 'It is absolutely essential that you continue.' 'You will be penalised if you refuse to go on.' 'You have no other choice, you must go on.' 'The experiment requires that you continue.' 23/28 When thinking about positive and moral traits, most people think they are better than average. What motive accounts for this phenomenon? Self-Esteem Accuracy Competitiveness Fear 24/28 Hamish shows up late to dinner at his friend’s house. Hamish has been late to show up at this friend’s house before, so his friend makes an internal attribution about Hamish and calls him inconsiderate. What piece of Kelly’s covariation model did the friend rely upon? Consistency information Fundamental attribution error Distinctiveness information Consensus information 25/28 Although he made a promise to himself to not take illegal drugs, Tom gave into peer pressure at a party to smoke marijuana because he did not want to be rejected by the others. Tom's conformity is a result of: compliance. acceptance. normative influence. informational influence. 26/28 In the classic Festinger and Carlsmith dissonance study (the boring peg turning task study), which experimental group convinced themselves that they liked the peg turning task the most? The group paid 1 dollar to tell another participant is was enjoyable The group paid 20 dollars to tell another participant it was enjoyable The group that refused to tell the lie that the task was enjoyable The group that told the lie to a despicable confederate 27/28 Jeremy is in love with Carol and views her temper as an endearing example of her "feistiness." Her coworkers, however, interpret Carol's temper as rude and insensitive. The difference between Jeremy and the coworkers illustrates the power of love to influence our: heuristics. self-verification strivings. construals. implicit cognition. 28/28 According to research on dissonance, “spreading of alternatives” helps us reduce dissonance when: we have behave immorally we experience threats to the need to belong when we make easy decisions between greatly preferred and disliked alternatives when we make difficult decisions between equally attractive alternatives