American History 101 How much do you know about American Historical Trivia? Here is your chance for bragging rights fallhiker published on September 09, 2016 Stacked 1/10 While watching the bombardment of which fort did Francis Scott Key pen the words to the Star Spangled Banner Fort William Henry Fort McKinley Fort Sumter Fort McHenry 2/10 How old was Col George Armstrong Custer when he was first promoted to the rank of Brigadier General? 23 25 27 33 3/10 Which of these Ships sank the first enemy vessel on December 7th 1941 CL- Abukuma DD- Ushio USS Ward DD139 USS Greer DD-145 4/10 Which of the following cities has NOT been the Capital of the United States York Pennsylvania Boston Massachuesetts Trenton New Jersey Baltimore Maryland 5/10 Other than being a spy, What was Nathan Hale's paid Profession School Teacher Banker Farmer Silversmith 6/10 Which State had the most battles or Skirmishes of the Civil War Tennessee Virginia Georgia Mississippi 7/10 What were the two most southern battles fought during the Revolutionary War? Hint: 2 choices BATTLE OF THOMAS CREEK (FLORIDA) BATTLE OF FORT MOULTAIRE (GEORGIA) BATTLE OF COWFORD (JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA) SKIRMISH OF ALLIGATOR CREEK (FLORIDA) 8/10 Name the first state admitted to the Union after Independence. Alabama West Virginia Tennessee Vermont 9/10 The State of Texas, Once an Independent Republic, when admitted into the Union had a clause in their state constitution allowing them to (at their digression) splint into how many states 0 3 5 7 10/10 Name the First President to elected in a year ending in zero to live through his presidency. Harry S. Truman Ronald W Reagan William Henry Harrison John F. Kennedy