How much in commun? If you pass this test, great! we are alike! So the amount of correct aswers is equivalent to the percentage of how much me and you are alike! EyeOfMagic published on September 28, 2015 Stacked 1/10 Do you like to read? ( in general ) Ehh not really Not at all Yeesh! if I have nothing to do well. . . 2/10 Who is your favourite singer? Type answer. Hint: 12 characters 3/10 What is your favourite video game? Terraria Ni no Kuni Lego ninjago Minecraft Hobbit Disney infinity Mario ( all kinds ) 4/10 Do you like qFeast? Totes! Yeah It's okay. . . NO! wait, why did I even sign up? I'm logging out! 5/10 Who is your favourite author? Type answer. Hint: 12 characters 6/10 Twilight or Hunger games Are you TRYING to kill me! Cuz. . . I CAN'T DECIDE!!!!!!!!!!! Katniss FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmm I'm gonna go with Twilight Geez grow up, both of them suck 7/10 Percy Jackson or Harry Potter? Lem gardian leviosa HP For Life! I CAN'T DECIDE!!!!!!!!! Percy Jackson! 8/10 Do you like to socialize ( yes or no ) Type answer. Hint: 3 characters 9/10 What are your favourite colors? Hint: 3 choices Blue!!!!!! Red and warm colors Cold colors. BUT. . . not too dark ( light blue, light purple, etc ) Black Metallic colors ( gold, silver, etc ) PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10/10 Who is your favouite youtuber? Pewdiepie Good mythical morning Stampylongnose Populer MMO's DanTDM Squashy quack Sky does minecraft I has cupquake I hate youtube