MLP TEST Take this test to see how much u know about my little pony! Go ahead and find out how much u know about my little pony! IA15279 published on June 26, 2016 Stacked 1/5 who is this? Pinkie pie Fluttershy Twilight sparkle 2/5 Who are these ponys? Hint: 2 choices bon bon sapphire shores lyra PINKIE PIE WHITY PIE MAUD 3/5 WHO R THESE? Hint: 2 choices RAINBOW DASHES DAD RAINBOW DASH SORIN RD MOM WEIRD PONY 4/5 WHO R THESE FLUTTERSHY,RARITY,RAINBOWDASH,TWILIGHTSPARKLE,PINKIEPIE AND APPLE JACK ANGEL,GLAMMER,SUPERFLASH,LITTLEBOOKWORM,MAUDPIE AND APPLE BLOOM ANIMALPONY,FASHIONPONY,FASTPONY,BOOKPONY,PARTYPONY AND APPLEPONY 5/5 how many ponys r there in the main 6 not including spike? 6 4 7 87868767676 34543 123456789 987654321 12345678987654321 6423 8765432111111111111577 QWERTYUJHGTR5432WERTYUHGFRTY7U8987U 13589998667645 13579 246810 134679 1234567899987654321234567898765432123456789876543212345678987654321234567876543234567898765434567 NBVCDER5678IJBVCDE45678UIJHBVCDER567UJ 1481216 1234567898765432123456789087654321234567898765432123456789876543456789876543