How well do you know German? How well do you know German? Find out here. (*Just for fun.) Thanks for taking. anonymous-user-UrwxJf published on April 15, 2018 Stacked 1/12 What emotion is this?Froh. Rage. Joy. Boredom. 2/12 Wald. Means? Forest. House. Woods. 3/12 Translate: "Hallo, wie geht esdir." Hello, how was your day? Hello, are you doing okay? Hello, how are you? 4/12 "Ich bin vierzehn."Means? I am thirteen. I am sixteen years old. I am fourteen. 5/12 I am from China. Ich komme aus. Komme chinesisch. Ich komme aus China. 6/12 Ich komme aus Amerika. I like America. I'm from America. The Untied States Of America. 7/12 Ich bin dreißig. I am forty-five. I am thirty. I am twenty-three. 8/12 "Bleib ruhig." This means to? Be hopeful. Stay calm. Have fath. 9/12 "Heute ist mein Geburtstag!"This means? Today was horrible!! Its going to be a great day! Today is my birthday! 10/12 How do you say north in German? Ost/west Süd Nord. 11/12 Bauch. What part of the body does this mean? Stomach. Thigh. Liver. 12/12 Today. Heute Morgen Gestern.