Do you know me (12) most likely you dont but yeaaahhh :3 dammit felis -.- why do i have to make long descriptions anyways? -.- DoomGuy117 published on June 12, 2014 Stacked 1/7 What was the first band that ive ever listened to Bon Jovi Guns N Roses All-American Rejects 2/7 Whats my first fave. vid. game COD Halo None of the above 3/7 What kind of asian am i Type answer. Hint: 8 characters 4/7 Whats my fave. colors Hint: 5 choices black grey yellow brown purple gold red blue 5/7 Who told me to make this damn trivia -.- Type answer. Hint: 21 characters 6/7 Whats My Fave Creepypasta Char.? SlenderMan Ben Eyeless Jack 7/7 Whats my nick name lol Type answer. Hint: 5 characters