How well you know Marvel?

How well you know Marvel?

In this we let you know how much do you know about marvel are you a Marvel fan?

published on June 01, 2020

What was the fake name Natasha used in iron man?

What was the fake name Natasha used in iron man?
Hint: 1 choice
Natalie Rushman
Natasha ruman
Nichole Rhun

What was valkyrie's scraper number


What elective classes does thor take on asgard

What elective classes does thor take on asgard
Hint: 1 choice
Making hammer
Learn to speak groot

What necklace does Peter bought for MJ

Hint: 1 choice
Black rose
Black dahila
A rose

What does SHEILD stands for?

What does SHEILD stands for?
Hint: 1 choice
Strategic homeland of inervation enforcement legal
Stan Howard international equity loyalty deals
Strategic homeland intervention enforcement logistic division

What does EDITH stands for

What does EDITH stands for

In which movie Spiderman first appear in

In which movie Spiderman first appear in
Hint: 1 choice
Iron man
Captain America civil war
Spiderman homecomeing

Where is loki from


When captain was going to fight thanos alone then sam says "on your left" which call back it was from

Hint: 1 choice
Captain America the first avenger
Captain America the winter solider
Captain America civil war

Who was the first avenger to be dusted in Avengers:Infinity war

Who was the first avenger to be dusted in Avengers:Infinity war