Pokemon Quiz (2) This is a test on your Pokemon knowledge. Are You a Pokemon Master?...lets find out. CFSmith published on November 03, 2016 Stacked 1/10 Are you a Pokemon master NO!... Ash is. No. im taking this quiz to find out Dunno Sure whatever 2/10 Do you need a bag to be a pokemon trainer Yes to keep your stuff in No all you need is pokeballs and pokemon 3/10 Are there 3, 4 or 5 starters? 3 4 5 Well actually theres 2. 4/10 Who Does Charmeleon evolve into Bulbasaur Charmander Dragonite Dratini Charizard Mega Charizard X Mega Charizard Y 5/10 Who were the starter Pokemon for Generation 1 (Indigo League)? Frokie, chespin and Fenicin Charmander, Totodile and Squirtle Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle none of the above 6/10 How many Pokemon can you have in your party? whats a party? you can bring as many as you want to a pokemon party 4 3 6 7/10 Who does Squirtle evolve into? Lapras Blastois Wartortle Mega Blastoise Mega Lapras Mega Squirtle Mega Wartortle 8/10 What type of Pokemon can sing people to sleep? Jigglypuff... DUH! Fairy type a'int it obvious? Chancey of course you know from the episode a chancey operation 9/10 How many badges do you need to compete in the Pokemon League? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10/10 why did misty join ash and brock in there adventuer? she liked ash ash burned her so she is trying to find his mam to tell her ash burned her bike she wanted ashes eternal luck