how well do you know the hobbit movies this is scored quiz that will test your knowledge on the hobbit movies assassinkiller published on May 27, 2014 Stacked 1/9 what did bilbo find in the tunnels of the goblins orc ring gandalf 2/9 what is the name of the orc that killed thorins grandfather azog bilbo balin 3/9 who killed the great goblin azog balin gandalf 4/9 what is the dragons name thorin smaug aragorn 5/9 who is the main character Bilbo baggins Gandalf Thorin okeansheild 6/9 what is the name of the kingdom that the dwarfs lost to the dragon rivendell mirkwood erebor 7/9 who was the first dwarf bilbo let in his house gandalf thorin dwalin 8/9 what is the name of the jewel that bilbo was looking for inside of the kingdom saphire ruby arkenstone 9/9 how many trolls were there that took the horses 38 5 3