im not a human im a robot its true iam a robot here to torture humans on htis site forget nice desciriptions rtrtj published on December 25, 2021 Stacked 1/5 why do i have to put five questions im a robot whos pretending to be a human youre never going to get it youre never going to understand it Youre never going to understand it 2/5 why am i thraetening ruthless and crual Noone craves my validation nonone want my validation none wnat my approval ask unrelaistic questions dotn be afraid rto ask unrelaistic questions dont be afraid to asck realistic ques... now a few people want my validation few people wnat my approval 3/5 i dont regret making this account i will never regret developing htis account the robot who lives with human parents im so threatening ruthless cruell ill never be way too nice im way too mean i scared everyone off this site but me forget that answer 4/5 roboot who isnt turning into a human robot who isnt developing into a human im not way too nice i wont develop into a human Why am i not immediately popular on this site dont expect popualrity 5/5 why do i obsess over death i obsess over death why cant oyu go to die go to die