2016 iPad Licence Quiz

2016 iPad Licence Quiz

At Wonga Park Primary School we use iPads as a tool to support our learning. In order to use an iPad at our school you must pass this quiz to prove that you understand your rights and responsibilities. The questions are multiple choice and some questions require more than one answer. There are some answers their to trick you, so choose your answers carefully! You must score 12/12 to earn your licence. Good luck!

published on February 01, 2015

Playing of games on the iPad ...

Is okay at home if you have parent permission.
Is completely banned and you are not allowed to ever.
Is okay at school in my free time and on wet day timetables.

If someone leaves a message, image or any digital information that is a ‘put down’ to me I will …

Hint: 3 choices
Show it to the teacher.
Get all my friends to give them heaps and put them down in return.
Keep it a secret.
Take a screen shot to record the incident.
Not respond to them in anyway.

When presenting your CBL video you decide to…

Use the ideas you find on the Internet but create your own work.
Copy and paste a great YouTube video into your presentation.
Use your own pictures but just borrow some text.

Sending messages on the iPad …

Is okay when it is only between friendly people.
Is an educational way to learn about cyber safety.
Is not permitted at school and is not recommended without parent involvement.

If I left my iPad at home or it has run out of battery at school I can ...

Always borrow a friend's iPad.
Use the iPad of someone who is absent.
Do my work in another way.

It is my responsibility to...

Hint: 4 choices
Look after my iPad in the yard at recess and lunchtime.
Always have my iPad charged.
Always handle my iPad with care.
Use my iPad whenever I feel like it.
Have all the school apps loaded on my iPad.
Store my iPad in the class cabinet when it isn't being used.

If I use any digital device to put others down or insult them …

I will lose my right to use digital technology at school.
It is okay if they did it first.
I can delete it and it will be gone forever.

While on the Internet researching for a project you find you are the 1,000,000th person to visit the site and have won a free iPad and $10,000. Do you…

Jump up and down and quickly follow the link and enter your details so you can receive your prize?
Show the website to your teacher to check if it is a legitimate site?
Click on the site and enter someone else’s information in case it is a scam?

Before school starts and after the final bell my iPad...

Hint: 2 choices
Must remain in my bag at all times.
Can be used in the school grounds because my parents have arrived.
Must be near me at all times even when I am playing on the playground.

To identify my iPad and show that it belongs to me I will make sure that I...

Hint: 2 choices
Have a clear photo of myself for my iPad lock screen.
Download cool graphics for my iPad wallpaper.
Put my name and grade as the iPad's Name through 'Settings'.

iPads are one of the educational tools we use at Wonga Park…

Hint: 2 choices
But because it’s mine I can do whatever I like with it.
And I am allowed to have a passcode but it is my responsibility to remember this and type it in if my teacher requests
me to.
So teachers will regularly check iPad apps and contents.
And I have to do all my work on it.

You took photos and then videoed a friend without them knowing. You...

Show your friends as soon as you get to school because you think they will find it funny.
Upload the video to YouTube because you want everyone to see it.
Are given a demerit point and must take an infringement note home because you should never record someone without
their permission, at school or at home