Pi Day Quiz By: Savannah Oestreich

Pi Day Quiz By: Savannah Oestreich

The quiz I made is about Pi Day in Mrs. Hillson's class. I hope you enjoy. Thank you, Savannah Oestreich.

published on March 11, 2016

Pi is an irrational number. What does that mean?

Pi is an irrational number. What does that mean?
It is a real number, but cant be expressed as a ratio of two integers.
It is a pizza.
Its digits cannot be rationed out evenly.

How many hours did it take a supercomputer to calculate Pi to 51.1 billion digits, in 1997?

How many hours did it take a supercomputer to calculate Pi to 51.1 billion digits, in 1997?
30 hours
75 hours
29 hours

Who was the famous physicist who was born on Pi Day?


Who, in 1706, first gave the Greek letter "Pi" its current mathematical definition?

Albert Einstein
William Jones
Theodore Roosevelt

Are Pi's digits repeating?


What does transcendental mean, in math?

Savannah's favorite number.
Its square root is infinite.
It cannot be expressed as an integer, or as a root or quotient of integers.

Who brought Pi to the public in 1999?

Who brought Pi to the public in 1999?
David Blatner
Albert Einstein
Abraham Lincoln

What is the date of Pi Day?

What is the date of Pi Day?