Are you dumb? (2) This is a cool thing that is gonna tel you what it tells you when it tells you if ur dumb HIV Kaelob published on September 29, 2016 Stacked 1/10 If u had a dog what would you name him/her Hitler Osama bin laden Donald trump 2/10 Who was behind 9/11? Pewdiepie Dwayne the rock johnson Spongebob 3/10 Is the hit song panda by designer how many broads in Atlanta did he mention he had 7 Kellogg's front loop cereal 1 4/10 What is 556 Five hundred fifty five Five Hunnit fiddy five this is the wrong answer 5/10 Who has the most subscribers on youtube Pewdiepie Dashiexp Period sex in the shower 6/10 The iPhone 7 just came out...on average how many dicks have you sucked this week I'm not gay I'm gay I'm super duper lovetastic gay 7/10 What is the best name for a squirrel Henry Burt Colton 8/10 Which hashtag is correct Black lives matter Indians took our land RIP OSAMA... 9/10 What quiestion is th1s 1s 2 4 10/10 A queef is a pussy fart...what is a fart from the dickhole called? Love sound Alarm clock We hate Mexicans