How much do you know about tokyo ghoul? As an anime lover tokyo ghoul has sparked my intrest up a bit. This quiz is proving how much you may or may not know about the anime. ENJOY MeowMeowMarta published on December 25, 2015 Stacked 1/6 According to the anime how was kanaki turned into a ghoul he was bit by an ghoul he was already a ghoul he had an organ transplant from a ghouls body 2/6 What was hinamis nickname flower centipead innocense little girl child daughter eyepach kitty 3/6 what was kanekis ninickname Hint: 2 choices eyepatch speed torture jason centipead white haired boy one sided hybrid ken 4/6 what was kanekis mother like dead abusive hardworking sweet and loving 5/6 why is ayato the way he is now his father was killed by humans his sister abandoned him he was lonely 6/6 why can ghouls drink coffee because the coffee has ghoul nutrients in them because there toungs are made diffrently beacause it is madde with the right ingredeants for ghouls