Are you ready for your own horse? Ever wondered if you were ready for a horse. Well hopefully this quiz will help. Comment if you like. Enjoy! Archergirl247 published on November 05, 2015 Stacked 1/16 Which of the following is not a coat color Red roan Creame White 2/16 Which grooming tool do you start with Type answer. Hint: 12 characters 3/16 How often do you ride Never Once a week or more Every other week Once a month 4/16 What tools do you use when you groom Curry comb, dandy brush, body brush, mane brush, hood pick, shedding blade A brush I don't groom I don't know my groom does it for me 5/16 What is the most common bit used Type answer. Hint: 11 characters 6/16 Can you canter No Yes 7/16 Is money a problem Yes No Maybe 8/16 Where will you keep your horse The front yard At a nearby stable My barn and pastures 9/16 How long will you spend with your horse each day 5-10 minutes 1/2 an hour 1-2 hours As much time as I can 10/16 What is the difference between a horse and pony? Horses are over 14.2 hands ponies are under Ponies are fat horses aren't Horses are tall ponies aren't Horses and ponies are the same what are you talking about 11/16 Have you done any no stirrup work Once No Yes all the time Never 12/16 What should you feed a horse Hint: 5 choices Hay Grain Grass Treats Cupcakes Water Soda Fruit 13/16 Do you still have to ride on a lunge line Yes No Sometimes 14/16 Witch of the following are types of riding Hint: 4 choices Bare back Western English Spanish Sidesaddle French Italian 15/16 Which of the following are colors Hint: 5 choices Chestnut Bay Blue roan White Creame Black Red dapple Dappled red Appaloosa 16/16 How long have you been riding Under 1 year 1-2 years 3-4 years 4+ years