Do you know Me? (20) This quiz is meant for people who know about me in person and online, if you're a random person who doesn't know why they're here and doesn't know who I am; idgaf ENDYMEN published on December 21, 2016 Stacked 1/10 "Best Friends" on Playstation? Hint: 3 choices MysteriousRider5 EddieishotNfresh Grimreaper666303 Assassin-Dylan1 MustangorNothing UsedBlueCrayon Wavyboy0902 2/10 Favorite games of 2016? Hint: 3 choices Final Fantasy XV Grand Theft Auto V Rocket League Don't Starve Zombi Gravity Rush 3/10 Who am I looking forward to being with in 2017 or longer? Hint: 4 choices Wavyboy0902 RockstarIV19 lIlIlIlIlIlIl MysteriousRider5 Redcrusher9 EddieishotNfresh Grimreaper666303 UsedBlueCrayon 4/10 0101001101101111011011010110010101101111011011100110010100100000010010010010000001110111011000010110111001110100001000000111010001101111001000000110011101101111001000000110111101110101011101000010000001110111011010010111010001101000001111110000110100001010 01010010011001010110001001100101011000110110001101100001 100011101100001011011010110010101110011 01001100011010010110011001100101 5/10 Last person I give a gift? Type answer. Hint: 16 characters 6/10 Someone I beat in every game? Type answer. Hint: 11 characters 7/10 Favorite Foods? Hint: 2 choices Ramen Burger Pizza Mac N Cheese 8/10 Favorite Animes of 2016? Hint: 5 choices Danmachi Toradora Dragon Ball (All) Sword Art Online (Both) Re:zero Naruto (Both) Kill la Kill Fullmetal Alchemist (2000) 9/10 Favorite Romance Anime? You Lie in April Toradora Angel Beats 10/10 Favorite Character? Type answer. Hint: 12 characters