How well do you now Josh? Um hi uh I'm trash I guess and why does this bloody website have to make this be so long? Huh? IM GAY! Josh_Howell published on July 10, 2017 Stacked 1/8 What is my favourite K-Pop Group? BTS EXO K... poop! SEVENTEEN 2/8 Which is my favourite youtuber? Daniel Howell Amazing Phil doddleoddle ThatcherJoe 3/8 What type of exercise do I do? Hardcore 15 minutes 30 days squat challenge What the hell is an exercise? Browsing YouTube 4/8 What kind of videos do I make? Stupid ones Funny ones Pointless ones Bad ones 5/8 Am I gay? Yay Nay 6/8 How Gay am I? Very gay RAinBoWs Not gay Straight af 7/8 What is my name? Josh.__.Howell josh.__.howell josh._.howell What is 8/8 Chose your fate Fate fate FATE unicorn FatE fAtE