how much do you really know about horses? show off how much you know about horses with all of your horsy knowledge! lemon16 published on January 05, 2019 Stacked 1/9 out of the 3 answers witch one would you have to have garter or tall boots fluffy girth bit 2/9 what are the speeds of a horse from slowest to fastest halt, canter, trot, walk, gallop halt, gallop, walk, trot,canter halt, walk, trot, canter, gallop 3/9 what is not a marking on a horses face star paint splotch blaze 4/9 what is tack the thing that you put the saddle on yup...I have no clue the equipment that you ride in 5/9 what is the smallest breed of horse mini welsh cob thoroughbred 6/9 what is one thing that you put on a horse for long distance travel shipping boots polo raps bell boots 7/9 finish the sentence happiness lies in a ________ horse Haflinger welsh cob thoroughbred 8/9 what breed is mostly used for dressage Appaloosa Thoroughbred Arabian 9/9 out of the 4 answers witch foods are poisonous to horses Hint: 3 choices tomatoes chocolate pineapple fruit seeds