Do you know your warrior cats trivia? How well do you know your warrior cats? Well if you pass you know them really well...but if not not so much! :D Mya.j published on October 28, 2018 Stacked 1/10 Who is in the fifth serried that fits this description:I’m pudgy and nice a fox killed me but everyone thought it was clear sky I’m also a kitty pet ...who am I? Purdy Gray wing Turtle tail Tom Bumble One eye Hawk swoop Rainswept flower Star flower Clear sky 2/10 I’m grayish white from the fifth series . People think I’m a murder but I just do it for the sake of my cats.I came from the mountains and I mated three times.Who am I? Bumble Gray wing Star flower Misty Alder Wind runner slate One eye Clear sky Birch Moth flight Morning wisker Gorse fur River ripple Night 3/10 In series three I fell in love with someone. I went into secret tunnels and we called ourself dark clan!Then I told myself I was going to be a loyal warrior so I told her I didn’t like her anymore.I am a golden tom and I have powers of fighting and never getting injured Leafpool Cinderheart Firestar Holypaw/leaf Lionpaw/blaze Jayfeather/paw Squirrelflight Brambleclaw Crowfeather Whitewing Birchfall Rosepaw 4/10 Witch of these are not blind/lame/deaf (in all series) Hint: 12 choices Bluestar Hollyleaf Jayfeather Brindlepaw Longtail Owlkit Witewing Snowkit Briarlight Gray wing Clear sky Stoneteller Lionblaze Jagged peak Crag Half moon Rock 5/10 Who am I?I’m yellow and I liked a white cat I died before I saw my kits and I was destined to be ____clans first medicine cat Cow Bumble Clear sky Dappled pelt Micha Moth flight Mothwing Wind runner Sun shadow 6/10 What are the five clans(easy ;D) Hint: 5 choices Lightningclan Riverclan Iceclan Snowclan Poolclan Skyclan Sunclan Thunderclan Lightclan Shadeclan Mossclan Shadowclan Fireclan Grassclan Leafclan Windclan Vineclan Breezeclan 7/10 Who am I?I’m plump and I am in moth flights visionI’m black and white and am friends with someone who died from a tree Purdy Micha Moth flight Mouse Cow Clear sky Slate Acorn fur Ice claw Rocky Tall shadow Wind runner 8/10 Witch one of these is firestars kits?(I know there are two but just chose one) Spottedleaf Lionblaze Leaftail Sandstorm Cinderpelt Leafpool Ashpelt Brackenfur Cinderheart Hollyleaf Squirreltail Brambleclaw Morningflower Tigerstar 9/10 How did bluestars die? Hit by a monster Almost drowned Sickness In a battle Drowned Fell in a hole 10/10 How did snowfir die? Drowned thisleclaw killed her to old Hit by a monster In a battle Sickness