Alia Quiz Test about Alia. See how well you know me ? Imma just keep typing cause it say I didn’t reach the requirements. Alia18 published on January 05, 2018 Stacked 1/8 What is Alias favorite color Black Purple Green Pink 2/8 What’s Alia’s address 4152 s. Leclaire 4513 s. Leclaire 4512 s. Lamon 4512 s. Leclaire 3/8 How tall is Alia? 5” 5”1 5”3 5”4 4/8 What is Alia’s biggest insecurity Body shape Chin Weight Teeth 5/8 What does Alia want to pursue Modeling Journalism Cosmetology 6/8 Where was Alia Born Puertorico Green Bay Wisconsin Chicago 7/8 What size shoe does Alia wear (female) 10 8 6.5 7 8/8 What’s Alia’s favorite food Puertorican Food Chicken Sweets Pizza