Nazi Invasion I survived a Nazi Invasion. Vocabulary List for Mrs. Walker 5th Grade mstamps1 published on March 02, 2017 Stacked 1/10 Lashing Hitting a metal object gently Whipping, string against with force Striking against a wall 2/10 raised or lifted hoisted lowered dropped 3/10 Frantically Showing no fear or worry In a way showing a lot of fear and worry Calm in the face of danger 4/10 Wreckage Broken Parts of a structure Parts of a damaged car Broken teeth of a lawn mower 5/10 Grislier Extremely beautiful to deal with More gruesome or horrible Very good time 6/10 Smiled or laughed at someone that shows dislike or disrespect Sneered Smeered Weird 7/10 Pursuing or following in a sneaky fashion running Walking Stalking 8/10 Stayed or remained Wandered Frustrated Lingered 9/10 Voyage A short journey Going to the market A long journey to a distant or unknown place 10/10 Very Strong and determined Kneely Steely Tweely