AUSTRALIA This is a short quiz about Australia. It contains basic, random and funny facts which I think everybody should know. Could you be an Australian ? Let´s see ! lucy.laskova published on April 04, 2018 Stacked 1/17 The average Aussie drinks 96 litres of ....... per year. beer wine vodka 2/17 There have been no deaths in Australia from a spider bite since ........ 1979 2000 1860 3/17 (city)................ was created in 1908 as a compromise when Sydney and Melbourne both wanted to be the capital city. Perth Adelaide Canberra 4/17 Who are the native Australians? Torres Strait Islanders Aboriginal Indians 5/17 Australia has 3.3x more ........ than people sheep kangaroo koala 6/17 Australia is the only continent in the world without an active volcano I do agree I do NOT agree 7/17 Australia was the ....... country in the world to allow women to vote second tenth fifth 8/17 What do koalas eat ? bamboo eucalyptus lemon tree 9/17 Before 1902, it was illegal to swim at the beach during the day I do agree I do NOT agree 10/17 Australia is as wide as the distance between London to ......... Prague Paris Moscow 11/17 The .......... is an Australian invention calculator iPhone selfie 12/17 Wombat poop is ....... shaped! This helps it mark its territory ring triangle cube 13/17 Australia has the ............. electricity prices in the world. lowest highest 14/17 A kangaroo is only one centimetre long when it is born I do agree I do NOT agree 15/17 Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world I do agree I do NOT agree 16/17 The name 'Kylie' came from an Aboriginal hunting stick, similar to the ................ boomerang arrow harpoon 17/17 The ................. is the planet's largest living structure Auerstedt Great Barrier Reef Kings Canyon